
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 4 21DSD

Day 4 -

Sleep quality - Not great. I woke up after about 4 hours with these bright lights in my face. I couldn't figure out why it was bothering me so much. Then I realized that I had put my computer on my nightstand the wrong way, so the lights were facing me instead of away from me. Really threw off my sleep for the rest of the night.

Exercise -Nope. Chiro appointment today, some running around, errands

Food -
Breakfast this morning - le sigh. I had planned on making something different for breakfast, but yesterday my bananas were already too ripe, and today I realized I was missing a key ingredient. Thus the aforementioned running around. So, breakfast was the old standby; eggs and bacon.

Lunch, while we were running around the rugrats talked us into going somewhere to eat. So I had a steak with veggies again.

Dinner was leftovers; so cottage pie again, from yesterday. No picture, because my phone was on the charger. But it's the same dinner from yesterday.

I added a sliced apple to butter in a pan, sprinkled with spices, and had some dessert.

Notes -
I'm feeling a little frustrated with limitations for some things I'd always made concessions about previously; especially when going out to eat. I really wanted a burger; I almost got jambalaya but it came with rice, and absolutely everything on the "lighter fare" portion of the menu had some kind of grain and/or "sweet glaze" so that was a no. I don't mind steak, but wanted something that I don't get all the time, since we were going out which isn't typical for us. I also haven't taken any of my supplements since the first day, and glutamine usually helps me a lot with my cravings. I should get back on that.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 3 21DSD

Day 3 -

Sleep quality - I actually slept 6 hours straight before waking up. For me, that's huge. I'm up every 3-4 hours, sometimes 2, going to the bathroom all night long. I slept for 6 hours, and then woke up when DH came home. Went back to sleep for a few hours. Not too bad, I don't think.

Exercise -More errands, running around, and I got a massage today! Ahhh!! It's supposed to be 70 degrees this weekend, so I'll force the kids out with me on Saturday for a walk around the block.

Food -

Breakfast; I had planned on making something totally different for breakfast, but then I realized my bananas were way too ripe! So it was my old standby, bacon, eggs, sauerkraut, and coffee. Not very pretty, I know.

 Lunch, well I was running around, and decided I was hungry. I didn't really have any leftover meats to put on my salad, so I just had some bacon fried up and some eggs boiled up, and voila.

Dinner, DH mentioned yesterday that he wanted me to make that Alice Springs chicken knock off, we loved it before and i haven't made it in at least 2 years. Well, I 21DSD'd it up, and I made Diane's Mustard Glazed Chicken, topping with mushrooms and bacon. I added mashed cauliflower for the side.

Notes -
I don't know that I have anything to add here. I'm a little sore right now from my massage. I have a chiropractor adjustment tomorrow. I'm still recouperating from the surgery, but I'm doing more each day. I've had sick kids this week, so I've been focusing on them as much as I can. DH had a shift change this week, so that's been another adjustment. I really can't stop thinking about chocolate, but there may be other issues contributing to that besides just, I can't have any. All in all it wasn't a bad day.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 2 21DSD

Day 2 -

Sleep quality - Oh man, terrible! I saw someone posted on Instagram this morning that they wondered if the full moon affected their sleep; that's the only explanation I have. I laid in bed for an hour trying to go to sleep, and then I tossed and turned all night, getting up about every two hours.

Exercise -More running around and errands today.

Food - Today was a little unplanned. I had a doctor's visit this morning that I needed to be nothing to eat before I went in, and then I sat in the waiting room for over an hour before finally getting called back. I didn't get to eat my first meal until around 1 oclock. Since we were still out and about in town, we stopped for something. I had a steak and some veggies. No picture. Then, due to the aformentioned terrible sleep, I cam home and took a 2 hour nap. When I got up, I snacked on some Applegate pepperoni and had a pumpkin smoothie.  For dinner, I made the cottage pie recipe in the 21DSD cookbook. I used half beef and half venison, and sweet potatoes instead of butternut. It was so good. I definitely got full, but really wanted seconds ;)

I also had one serving of Kombucha, and am currently drinking my coffee that I didn't get to have this morning.

Notes - As mentioned, sleep was terrible, and my whole day was thrown off with the early morning doctor's appointment, the late first meal, and the nap when I came home. I'm currently sporting a headache, which I'm not sure is from lack of coffee today or a detox side effect. I wanted ALL THE THINGS today, not just chocolate. Things I won't even mention. Things that you crave so desperately, so badly, and then when you get them you're like, oh, wow, this does NOT taste as good as I thought it would. It was better in my head!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 1: 21DSD

Day 1 -

Sleep quality - Not great, honestly. I know this was day 1, so it's a baseline measurement. Today was the first day my husband switched to a third shift schedule, so he was gone all night. I had little ones who were sick yesterday, spending all night taking turns climbing into the bed. We had an accident about 6 am, and I had to get up and change clothes and bed sheets. We all went back to sleep and slept most of the morning.

Exercise -Does running errands count? Seriously, I was fully intending on walking today. But it was 60 degrees and sunny yesterday, and 40 with freezing rains today, so I was not walking in that. **Side note: I'm still only 5 weeks postop, so heavy exertional exercise is not in the cards for me just yet.

Food -

Breakfast - Two eggs, two slices of bacon, a heaping helping of sauerkraut, and coffee, of course.

Lunch - While browsing Facebook, dear Liz Wolfe of Real Food Liz had posted a video on eating sardines, so that made my decision for lunch for me. I decided on a big ass salad with sardines.
While preparing my salad, I snacked on a few slices of Applegates pepperoni.

Dinner - Dinner was actually leftovers from yesterday, but still oh so good. We have a few grass-fed roasts in the freezer; this is one of them, along with whipped sweet potatoes, and green beans. Yum.

I had one serving of Kombucha, and I'm contemplating a few of these nifty little apple and coconut bite-sized treats from PaleOMG.

Notes - I really want some chocolate. And I was a little down today, but I know that was more personal issues going on than anything to do with food. Honestly, the food is easy for me. I have a set of rules, and I follow it. I've been through this enough times to know that once I get past days 3 and 7, a cheat would set me back, and that was hard enough going through the first time. It's not hard to get in line and eat right. It's the moving that I never seem to be motivated to do.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Preparing for my 21DSD

Wow. It's been a while for me. So much for my plan, last year, to keep up with my blog! I feel like I lost half a year of my life when everything at work changed. I went from part time head cashier to full time admin, and I feel like I spent more time at work than anything else in my life. I feel like my kids were missing out, and I know I was missing out on them. I'm super excited for the current turn of events, and I am looking forward to uncovering the new joys this year holds for me.

Tomorrow is day 1 of the February group 21-Day Sugar Detox, and I'll be joining in! This isn't my first, or even second, time going through the detox, and I'm looking forward to getting to the point that I know I will get to; less bloating, fewer cravings, less feeling bad. I'm not looking forward to the "sugar withdrawals" as it were; the super duper intense cravings I usually get in the first three days. I look forward to when the "not sweet treats" actually feel like a sweet treat, and a banana or a green apple are enough sweetness to get you through the day.

My goal for this 21DSD, along with sticking with the eating plan for the 21 days on level 3, is to blog about it every day. Maybe 21 days of blogging can get me back into the habit of paying attention to this space, and use it what it's for; my kids, my life. This one is perfect timing; at the end of this month my husband and I will be celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary; so I have my eye on the prize, looking forward a nice night out with my man when this is all over. That should be enough to get me through whatever moments of weakness I feel pressing in on my during the next three weeks!

So, however boring they may seem to me, I will post pictures of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any snacks during the day. I'll keep track of how I feel while on the detox, any issues per day I may have. And who knows? Sneaky homeschool or gardening pictures may wind up in those updates!