
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Homeschooling High School Resources...

I'll be honest.  Homeschooling high school freaks me the freaks out.  Through all my looking around, and researching, I've come across all different points of view, from "you can totally do this!" to, "yes, it's doable, but you have to outsource everything."  o..O.  Oye.  I'm fairly confident in my smarts, but I'm not confident in my ability to convey those smarts to my kids.  Every parent's dilemma.  Anyway, I have all these random "drafts" in my email folder that have one link or another saved for "Future High School" because they don't pertain to this year in high school.  But I don't want to lose these links.  And as OCD as it sounds, I hate having a huge number of drafts just... sitting there!!  So.  Here is my list, which is a work in progress, something for me to come back to regularly to check out what I need, to add to, and all that jazz.

WTM Forum thread with lots of links

Open Courses -

MIT Open Courseware
Open Yale
Education Portal
Khan Academy
Open course

Sterling Academy Curriculum

Virtual Homeschool Group - This uses Apologia for science, but it also has Saxon Algebra classes, and last year that was even a Kanji Japanese class that they may duplicate in the future.  Worth keeping an eye on (the class ends May 2014, so maybe a new one starts June 2014!!) .

History -

In high school in Texas, Government/Economics are both 1/2 credit courses taken during the senior year to equal 1 credit.  In what, I don't know, because I think, I'm almost positive, I still had to take history as a senior?  Maybe not.  Maybe they are the history credit.  I think these two are my weakest subject as far as history goes, so I'm already freaking out about those.  (hint: In order to avoid freak outs, don't look to the future.  Just take it one day at a time.)

Economics -

The Great Courses Economics
MIT Open Courseware Principles of Microeconomics
MIT Open Courseware Principles of Macroeconomics
HippoCampus Economics
Hillsdale Online College  - Constitution and Economics

Government - 

HippoCampus Government

History -
The Great Courses High School level World History
The Great Courses Big Bang
HHMI Videos (free?)
World History High School Course

Middle Ages - 
The Great Courses - Middle Ages
The Great Courses Early Middle Ages
The Great Courses High Middle Ages 
The Great Courses Late Middle Ages
The Great Courses Medieval World
The Great Courses Story of Medieval England: King Arthur
The Great Courses Barbarian Empire and Vikings
The Great Courses 5000 years of Chinese History

The Great Courses Chaucer
The Great Courses Dante

Renaissance -

The Great Courses
The Great Courses Shakespeare Works
The Great Courses Shakespeare  
The Great Courses Shakespeare Tragedies
The Great Courses Emerson and Thoreau

Modern History - 

The Great Courses

The Great Courses Early 20th Century Works

The Great Courses Classic Novels

American History - 

The Great Courses
The Great Courses 20th Century Fiction Writers
The Great Courses Mark Twain

Electives -

The Great Courses Photography
The Great Courses Fine Arts
15 Life Skills Essential 
50 Common latin phrases
Sophie's World Chapter notes
Rhetoric Fine Arts
Health and herbal remedies
100 Words every Graduate should Know
Greek for Beginners
Possible Electives in High School
Backyard Farm
Digital Arts Curriculum

English - 
Excavating English

Math -

The Great Courses Mastering the Fundamentals of Math
The Great Courses Algebra 1
The Great Courses Algebra 2
The Great Courses Geometry
The Great Courses Precalculus and Trigonometry  
LOF Finances

Science -
Great books, reading in science
Classical Science for the Rhetoric Stage
High School Science
Living Books for High School Science
The Epic of Gilgamesh

Biology -

Ellen McHenry's Botany
Ellen McHenry's Cells
Ellen McHenry's The Brain
Coursera What a Plant  Knows
In Depth Nature Study 
Joy of Science blog
Campbell's Concepts Biology

Exploring the Way Life Works
Marine Biology

Chemistry -

The Great Courses Chemistry
MIT Open Courseware introduction to solid state chemistry
MIT Open Courseware Organic Chemistry
MIT Open Courseware Principals of Chemical Science
MIT Open Courseware Kitchen Chemistry
MIT Open Courseware Advanced Kitchen Chemistry
Ellen McHenry's The Elements and Carbon Chemistry
Energy Foundation


Earth Science/Astronomy/Geology - 

Physics -

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! What an awesome list of resources! :) Let’sHomeschoolHighschool.com has created a blog feed of blogs that blog (at least occasionally) about homeschooling high school. (http://letshomeschoolhighschool.com/parent-blogroll/) I came across yours today and would LOVE to add it. If you would consider this, could you email me? katie@letshomeschoolhighschool.com. Thanks in advance!
