
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Changes for next year ... already.

Well, we're still in the early stages of planning out for next year, so I guess changes already are to be expected.  One insomniatic night, I was looking up ideas for digital art classes for Ms. Artsy, and came across this Digital Arts curriculum for high school.  It is a full on, 8 course, 4 year curriculum.  Amazing.  Absolutely.  And, not only that, but the rest of the website looks promising, as well.  It is an accredited middle school and high school online.  Basically, all 3 years of middle school and all 4 years of high school.  Online. At your own pace.  From home.

We showed it to Ms. Artsy, and she said that, while it looked interesting, she would like to stick to our plan for homeschooling.  Of course, I didn't think she'd jump on it.  It's more up Mr. Scarecrow's ally.  And of course, he's gung ho for it.  So, we may be just putting him in this for school next year; although the dilemma of what grade comes up again.  We're looking into it now; if I have him off my plate for this next year, and just focus on Ms. Artsy and Miss Priss, things next year could be a tad bit easier.  (Although I suspect Miss Priss has the same learning style as Mr. Scarecrow.  Oye Vey.)

Now, for the little thing up our sleeves that we couldn't talk about before!!  Ms. Artsy's birthday was this past weekend, and we've revealed the surprise to her, so now it can be something I can include in my plans for next year!  It can go along with her digital arts curriculum, or even be an additional side project for her.  It's a Drawing Tablet with Manga software, she can use to draw on and create her own manga characters!

Last week, she found this program on her computer that allowed her to create an anime movie, of sorts.  The program came with it's own characters, and she was in control of their movements, actions, backgrounds, etc.  I think, and I'm not savvy in any of this stuff, but I think this tablet will allow her to draw her own characters, to then transpose into that program and create an entire original manga anime!  Ok, I may not know what I'm talking about, but I know that this takes something that's she's always been interested in, art, and mixes it with something new that she's interested in, japanime stuff, and it gives a sort of foot-in-the-door to future career paths.  I'm really excited for where this will lead for her. 

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