
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Still finding a groove...

I read somewhere that it takes several years, 3 I believe, for the newly homeschooling mom to get a feel of their "groove". so, the first 3 years of homeschooling is a lot of trial and error, and movie days, and outside days, and field trips to fill up the time when you are just at a loss for what to do. That, however, is the beauty of homeschooling; you don't have to stick to the plan that is mapped out for you if it is obvious it is not working.

I'm still getting into my groove. Obviously. So far, my excuses have been "we are all new at this, and dont really know what to expect", "we are still at the beginning "review" part of the year, it will get better", and what I keep telling myself "I'm trying to ad lib the science and history before I get into the program I bought". which is probably what is screwing me up the most. I know what I want to do, and I know what order I want to do it in; I just never found one thing that had everything, so the first 4-6 weeks was going to be me piecing stuff together before I got to the point where my bought curriculum started and I could use it. and it is WAY more organized than I am.

I am also having the learning curve of understanding what it is I can reasonably expect from my kids. I'm also learning a bit more about their personalities and the way they learn. Mr. Scarecrow literally shuts down every time he is corrected. I don't really know what to do about this, other than to continue to encourage him and to give him frequent breaks, but I feel like I talk and talk and explain and explain, and then he tries and gets it "wrong" and that its. He's done. And its only been 5 minutes.

Also, I don't know how blogging moms do it. Seriously, either I have the most. boring. life. ever. Or I just don't know how to jazz up the mundane. Seriously, the coolest thing we've done all week is dissolve the shell off an egg. That's our science experiment for this week; I'm hoping to pull out the microscope next week. I spent all weekend dissolving the shell off an egg, so it resembles a cell, and then today we put one in water and one in Karo syrup. I had them guess, or hypothesize, what they thought was going to happen to the eggs. We had a nice little discussion about it, and it was interesting to see their wheels turning and their thought processes. Mr. Scarecrow really is an incredibly bright child. Unfortunately, he's a boy. 8-)

Then, of course, all hell broke loose and they were hungry, and fighting over something, and so I told them to go over their timeline on their own. :P I'm hoping to get through the mesozoic period this week, so we can watch a cool discovery science video on Friday about dinosaurs. Then next week will be the "after dinosaur" period, and we can check out early man.

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