
Monday, January 10, 2011

Its been forever.

Yes, I know. I did not feel the need to update/blog anything prior to this moment, just because everything I do feels inferior. Its LESS THAN what needs to be done, and I don't want it scrutinized too intently.

I spent most of the day going over our January lesson plans. The entire month. of January. Having the last 3 months or so under my belt, so to speak, I have an idea of what better will work for us. Now if only the kids will work with me on that…

What works for K is not the same as what works for J. But I am hopeful that this new way of organizing the lessons will help us out much better, and having it all in advance lets me see where we are going much sooner. Its very similar to the file folder system of organizing, which I thought was a neat idea, but was scared to do in the beginning of the year because it was my first year homeschooling. What if I took all that time planning, and ended up hating the curriculum less than a month in?! that would be a huge waste of time. I'm going to try it now, and see how it goes, and if it works, I may very well do it this way for next year, over the summer. That way I don't have to threaten to kill my printer on a monthly basis, like now (before it was weekly).

1 comment:

  1. You're doing GREAT :)
    Stop stressing over what 'needs to be done'. What needs to be done is what you do that day. If you start something and hate it - scrap it and move on. Don't dwell on it - look at it as a learning experience and share the lesson learned with your kids so they see that sometimes Mama makes mistakes, too. It's the scientific method - as long as you learn SOMETHING from the experiment, then it's a valid experiment. There is no 'good' or 'bad' data - ANY data makes for a successful experiment.

    Invest in an awesome printer/flatbed copier/scanner and learn how to refill the ink yourself. It'll save you a headache and a half and a ton of moolah ;)

    And remind yourself EVERY DAY that you don't have to get it Right(TM). You just have to be open to learning and help your kids be open to learning, too. The rest will come.
