
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

There is no one like me. Or my family. There is not a model I can look at to know the right answer or the right thing to do.

I am not perfect. Nor do I profess to be.

There are some things that seem to be something that we want, and we strive for it. Sometimes, there are obstacles in your way; and who knows? maybe they are put there to make sure you really want what you think you want.

But how long do you have to struggle with something to realize, maybe it wasn't the right choice? maybe there is a reason there is such a struggle.

I'm struggling. And I have been for a while now. I keep wavering back and forth, but I'm really struggling right now.

Now what?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Plans for next year

It has been well over 6 months since I've updated this blog, and last year I had a sort of feeling of ... being lost, unsure and that I was doing something wrong/leaving something out. I have a better sense of what I'm going to do for this year, and I'm already planning it out. I had a moment of "maybe they should go back to public school", I'll admit, after they came to me and said they wanted to go back. They said "we miss our friends". I had a moment of, maybe I'm being a bad mom by keeping them out. Luckily, I have a husband who is almost always opposite of me, so when I'm down, he's up, and he can help bring me up. He reminded me of why we signed on for this in the first place, why it wasn't a "lets see if it will work" but a "this will work, and we will make it work, because this is what is best". and while the kids say they miss their friends, when they are at school, they whine about not having any friends. and when they go to school, they will be gone all day from about 7 am to 4 pm (riding the bus) and have to come home and still do homework. So, he pulled me out of my "bad mommy" funk, and now I am excitedly looking forward to next year's curriculum.

Trying to get my ducks in a row, I started out with a list of the subjects we wanted to work on, and then fill in the blanks from there.

Typing -
art - Class?? (Sister Wendy disks)
history - History Odyssey for the Middle Ages
science - biology for logic stage (elemental science)
math - MM, LOF

spelling - AAS
writing - WWE/WWS
logic -
latin - Lively latin
grammar - Advanced Language Lessons
nutrition - Just an idea I had when I saw THIS

Obviously, I'm still looking for Logic and Art. I seemed to recall there was a list of artists and composers that corresponded with our history of the middle ages, so I'm still looking for that. I keep falling short in logic, though. I originally thought I'd use the Fallacy Detective, but after purchasing the book I found a thread talking about it and how it was very pushy from the author's perspective on certain things (and apparently abortion was considered an ok topic, which is NOT ok with me) and then I get the book and the first pages are all bible quotes and whatnot.. that book is going back. I'm still looking.

Ms. Artsy-Fartsy has asked to sign up for soccer again, and this year will be her last year to be able to sign up with upwards. I'm not sure if the hubs is planning on going back to kung fu, but if they do, that will pretty much take up any and all time they would have for various extracurriculars. I think its a great thing, but it also takes up 4 days a week, which is not always a great thing.

Now that, for the most part, I have my curriculum picked out for next year, I have to start making my schedule to see where it all fits. and I'm looking into some of those "playful preschool" blogs where people give ideas on what to do with rambunctious toddlers underfoot.. that'll be a challenge, as well.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Its been forever.

Yes, I know. I did not feel the need to update/blog anything prior to this moment, just because everything I do feels inferior. Its LESS THAN what needs to be done, and I don't want it scrutinized too intently.

I spent most of the day going over our January lesson plans. The entire month. of January. Having the last 3 months or so under my belt, so to speak, I have an idea of what better will work for us. Now if only the kids will work with me on that…

What works for K is not the same as what works for J. But I am hopeful that this new way of organizing the lessons will help us out much better, and having it all in advance lets me see where we are going much sooner. Its very similar to the file folder system of organizing, which I thought was a neat idea, but was scared to do in the beginning of the year because it was my first year homeschooling. What if I took all that time planning, and ended up hating the curriculum less than a month in?! that would be a huge waste of time. I'm going to try it now, and see how it goes, and if it works, I may very well do it this way for next year, over the summer. That way I don't have to threaten to kill my printer on a monthly basis, like now (before it was weekly).