
Monday, April 14, 2014

My PaleoFx Weekend

I've just returned from the most amazing, 4-day weekend in Austin, Tx, after attending the PaleoFx symposium.  What a wild ride.  Plenty of talks, lots of great people, tons to learn.  I can't even begin to describe the time that I had, even though my intention with this post was to do just that.  I could probably spend the next week writing about all the fabulous people I spent time with, and the great things that we did, it was just so phenomenal.  I'll spare you the ramblings, though, and try to make it short and sweet. 

First, I was inspired to change my blog name to not only reflect the initial purpose of starting the blog, from homeschooling, but to also include my passion for real food and all things nutrition and health related.  I want it to encompass all sorts of things in my life, not try to just cut off a piece of it. 

I'm definitely going to focus more on my health.  I've been in this "real food" movement now for about 6 years; this started around the time I got pregnant with my third child.  I found WAPF, and from there, the paleo/primal lifestyle.  I haven't always been strict, and it's one of those things where I don't like to label myself because I'm not as strict as others, but because of the things I learned this weekend, I'm no longer going to be shy about speaking about it.  My life is my life, it's my journey, it's not "supposed" to look like anything.  It is what it is, and that's all there is.  It's ok to say that I'm "paleo" or "primal", even if I don't "look" the part. 

With that said, I'm going to try to summarize the main learning points from this weekend.  I found a lot of great people to start following, I am already looking forward to next year, and I feel rejuvenated and jazzed to continue with my own personal healing journey, something that I had been just feeling hopeless about for the last, oh I don't know, at least year.  Maybe a little bit longer. 

Absolutely, without a doubt, if you are struggling with anything; ANYTHING: weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, depression, anxiety, GI upset, skin issues, sleep issues, mood issues, inflammatory response, autoimmunity, .  CHANGE YOUR FOOD!!  It starts with food.  Let food be thy medicine. I'm not saying it will make everything perfect, or reverse everything, but it absolutely will not hurt, and it's a step in the right direction.    Start small if you have to.  It doesn't have to be all or nothing.  It doesn't have to be go big or go home.  It can be, change one thing this week.  Change another next week.  Don't give up! No matter how hard it seems, or hopeless, or overwhelming.  One thing at a time is better than continuing on the path you're going down now, whether you realize it or not, with processed, junky foods!!

The main points are: Food. Meditation (stress). SLEEP.  Exercise (movement).  That's it.  It's so simple!!  Note, I did not say easy.  I said simple.  While simple is, well, simple, it doesn't mean it's going to be easy.  It's a journey, not a destination!  Not everyone's journey is the same.  Not everyone's destination is the same!  And that's ok.  Be you. and be happy to be you.

A few things that stuck out to me:

Hacking Stress  - "It's not stress that kills, it's our reaction to it.  It's a choice.  Change your perception.  What can you control? What can't you control?"

"DNA is 5%; diet and lifestyle 95%." Dr. Wahls.

"Only love heals." "The goal of physical health is to have emotional and spiritual growth."  Dr. Khalish

Perfectionism - "What you're for strengthens you; what you're against weakens you."  "Know yourself.  Know your limitations."

"How does this make you feel? Is this food going to nourish you? Is it nutrient dense?" Sara Fragoso

"Does it make me happy and healthy?"  Jonathan Bailor

Yeah.  I had a great weekend.